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Introducing Neo Genesis PRP Series

페이지 정보

上传者 NEOGENESIS 조회 2,287 작성일 15-03-06 14:50


NeoGenesis is now introducing "Neo Genesis PRP Series", available in 10cc, 15cc, and 30cc.


§Transparent cylindrical kit  allows a clear visibility and easier extraction

§The curved neck design reduces the possible cell loss

§PRP and PPP can be extracted from a single kit by one-time centrifugation

§High concentration  rate of Platelets

§Does not use  a needle when collecting PRP or PPP

§Can control the volume of Plasma according to the treatment plan

§Closed system to prevent from air contamination possibility

§Always  yields the maximum amount or PRP regardless of the operator’s skill

§Compatible with any swing type centrifuge

§Competitive price



Neo PRP (10cc)



Genesis PRP (15cc)


Cure PRP (30cc)


معلومات عن الشركة
اسم الشركة NeoGenesis Co., Ltd المدير التنفيذي Kim Yong Pil
العنوان #307 Think Factory Bldg. C, 150 Yeongdeungpo-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, South korea(07292)
رقم تسجيل الشركة 264-81-32217 رقم الهاتف +82 2-583-1348 فاكس +82 2-2038-0348
البريد الإلكتروني info@neogenesis.co.kr

Copyright ⓒ 2022 NeoGenesis Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
مركز خدمات العملاء
+82 2-583-1348 FAX : +82 2-2038-0848
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